What’s everyone using for an HTML editor these days? I’m thinking it’s time I upgrade to something a little more modern.
Do any of my American friends need an emotional support Canadian to talk with? Thinking I could offer 30m time slots tomorrow for talking about hockey, poutine, and how cold it’s going to get here soon to distract from all the things.
Good luck to whomever has to read my writing on that hockey timesheet tonight. 😆
Luckily nobody is too worried about div C hockey games.
I came home from our Florida trip with a cough that’s finally going away after 2+ weeks. I haven’t exercised this whole time and it’s making me frustrated, which is a good sign that I should be able to get back on the treadmill Monday.
I spent a couple hours working on a redesign of my business website and let me tell you: building websites is awful. 😂 How has it gotten more difficult and painful over the last 10 years?
I want to just put text and a few MP3 embeds and call it done. 🥱
Did you know Notion added Forms? I just found out. Help me test it out by responding to this very serious form I built in Notion
I hope Apple buying Pixelmator means we get Photos Pro or something? I really don’t want my $70 alternative to Photoshop going away anytime soon.
New post on my blog: After November 5th, Can’t We Go Back to Normal?
I can’t wait until next week at this time when we’ll never have to hear about US Elections again. 😆😴
This cover of “Stand By Me” by Stephen Wilson Jr. is worth playing once or twice. I’m a sucker for any sort of open guitar tuning + wailing.
I had no idea any of this was coming, but very happy to have “powered by Ghost” instead of WordPress on my blog. 😆 Matt Mullenweg says Automattic is ‘very short-staffed’ amid WordPress vs. WP Engine drama
I’ve been nerd-sniped by @rachsmith into trying out Godspeed, a macOS / iOS / web based to do app in place of my current mix of Reminders, Fantastical, and Notion.
I miss having a dedicated todo app for things like bills, and work reminders but don’t really want another subscription.
At least Neville’s putting all my podcasting gear to good use while I try to figure out if / what I should do for a podcast. 😆😴