I’m thinking if I swap my office around so I’m facing the other way, that’ll fix everything that’s wrong with me.

I love how a 27yo songwriter from Vermont can write a song that somehow connects to emotions inside of me that I haven’t fully processed or worked through.

Federico Viticci’s review of iPadOS is one of the few I’m willing to read since he’s actually tried to make iPad work in ways that most of us on the sidelines only snark about.

I don’t know of many bands that have a huge commercially successful first album that follow it up with an equally good second album like Pearl Jam did with Vs. Such a great album. Jeff Ament’s bass playing is next level good.

Squarespace being bought will almost certainly mean the end of whatever amount of “free-ish” ride podcasters have had on there. “…all seamlessly interwoven with intuitive GenAI.” ๐Ÿคฎ

Happy Mother’s Day to all who celebrate.

Screenshot of a waitlist for a Yelp restaurant waitlist showing that weโ€™re 114th in line.

Sonos can say it was courageous to roll out an app update all they want. All I know is that I was about to order one of their portable speakers, and convince my parents to update their speaker system with Sonos gear, and held off instead. Because of my courage? ๐Ÿ˜†

Apple not including the stickers in the new iPad boxes is more upsetting than that commercial.

I just want to do a little podcast where we talk about neat things that we like and maybe get to rant a little every so often and have everyone on who wants to be kind and scheduling isn’t hard and enough people listen that it’s validating but not so many that it’s mentally exhausting.

Me: Ok cool. Income taxes paid and sorted. Summer plans planned. There’s a few dollars left, maybe buy something fun?

My house: Starts shedding stucco. The hell you will!

Making emptying the dishwasher out more epic by playing this Best of Star Wars playlist on Apple Music.

Libraries are the best. I just found out you can borrow day passes from the Saskatoon Library for parks and other attractions in the city.

I learned a new phrase today “information asymmetry” - more on my blog

5 years ago: Eww don’t just record your TV and share that you boomer!

Today: Here’s 45 clips from the Tom Brady roast I recorded while moving around on my couch. You can hear my dog throwing up, and me laughing hysterically before all the punch lines. I have 3 million followers.

I keep having ideas for a podcast I want to do, but then realize what I actually want is free therapy by using my guest’s advice to help fix me. ๐Ÿ˜†

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, 2016 - โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…

Watched on Saturday May 4, 2024.

Jodi Enns on leadership and accountability ๐ŸŽฏ www.jodienns.com/writing/t…

Ideally, a healthy leader embraces feedback and uses it as an opportunity for introspection, rather than responding defensively. They examine their internal reactions with curiosity, acknowledging any insecurities that may prompt defensiveness, and view feedback as a chance to enhance self-awareness and behaviour.

Saturday job board. Weโ€™re halfway there. ๐Ÿ˜† ๐Ÿฅฑ

A hand written list with four columns and checkboxes in each row, half of which are checked.

I appreciate Dan Mallโ€™s transparency and vulnerability in trying to navigate midlife crisis and adapting his business in the process.