I fired up Twitter to figure out how I wanted to remove past tweets and archive my account, only to be connected via a recommendation to a potential client. As much as I want to 💩on the bird place, it has given me connections to most of my current and past #podcast clients.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, 2011 - ★★★★

Watched on Wednesday January 4, 2023.

Happy old fashioned happy hour to those celebrating. AMA while I edit this podcast. ngl.link/lemonpodc…

BeReal of me having an old fashioned drink with a computer monitor showing Logic Pro tracks from a podcast.

Finished reading: Us Against You by Fredrik Backman 📚

A new tradition I’m starting this year: doing my 🍋 business’ accounting catch up for the previous year while watching the World Junior Hockey Championships. #WorldJuniors2023

I’m motivating myself to get back into work brain (slowly) by tackling month end invoicing (Hello Jan 2nd!) while simultaneously shopping for a new TV I don’t need but want.

Us Against You by Fredrik Backman is deceptively intense. I’m half way through and there’s a ticking bomb just beneath the top level story waiting to go off. (It’s the follow up to the fantastic “Beartown”.📚

Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery, 2022 - ★★★★½

Watched on Sunday January 1, 2023.

Puss in Boots: The Last Wish, 2022 - ★★★

Watched on Saturday December 31, 2022.

Today in “Why is my #FinalCutPro playback so terrible?” - a reminder to choose “Proxy Preferred” in your viewer if you’ve gone to the trouble of rendering proxy media.

Final Cut Pro screenshot showing that by clicking on the “View” menu in the preview window and then selecting “Proxy Preferred” you can improve playback performance.

Almost every time I start a new project in #FinalCutPro, I have to reference this Larry Jordan article on Optimize vs. Proxy Media. Something about the way they’re named doesn’t make sense in my brain.

Empathy for 2023.

It's hard to care about people.&10;Exhausting, in fact, because empathy is a complicated thing.&10;It requires us to accept that everyone else's lives are also going on the whole time.&10;We have no pause button for when everything gets too much for us to deal with, but then neither does anyone else.

New Year’s Eve plans in emoji form:

🛷☕️ 🐠 📹 🛍️ 🍕🎉🙏🏻 🍿🙀 ⏰💃🏽🕺

Station Eleven - the miniseries on HBO only came out a year ago. Somehow it feels way longer. Might be worth a rewatch as we confront the end of things we know and look towards the uncertain future.

If you’re having issues adding a HomePod mini to your Home app, or inviting someone new, make sure everyone in your Home is updated to iOS 16.2 / macOS Ventura first. A third iPhone user on our account that wasn’t involved or needed seemed to be the issue. 🤷‍♂️

I’ve reached peak “I need to get a snowblower” and it’s only December. 😪

Klaus, 2019 - ★★★★

Watched on Tuesday December 27, 2022.

Happy Old Fashioned to all who celebrate.

Top down view of a glass with ice and a alcoholic beverage in it.

Finished reading: Surrender by Bono 📚

Spirited, 2022 - ★★★★

Watched on Sunday December 25, 2022.