Even if you’re not a U2 fan, I really recommend Bono’s autobiography. He narrates the audiobook himself and it’s heartbreakingly beautiful and entertaining. If nothing else, listen / read to chapter 3.

Surrender book cover by Bono on Audible.

Finished reading: Number Go Up by Zeke Faux 📚 more people need to read this book and be outraged at the crypto nft bros.

The best part of the kids being at camp this week as I can pull out the Nutella and not have to share any of it.

Nutella sitting on a counter.

Hit Man, 2023 - ★★★

Watched on Sunday July 14, 2024.

I’m suddenly seeing a lot of Apple Vision Pro adverts everywhere. Is it coming to Canada soon or something? I still can’t justify buying one so they’re wasting their ad $$ on me. 😝

I wish we could have a day or two each month where we all collectively agreed to post about things we enjoy, love, appreciate, or celebrate. No rage farming, click baiting, or rants allowed. Just for one day.

Grinding the coffee beans in the garage on a Saturday morning is how I show my kids I love them.

Unless they were turds the night before. Then all bets are off. 😆

Me holding a coffee grinder in a garage while it’s grinding beans.

As someone from the before times who was there when Steve Jobs brought iMovie down from the mountain tops for us mere mortals to be able to edit video on a $1,500 laptop, it’s still crazy to me what can be done on a phone + CapCut.

Crazy storm last night that had a ton of lightning and rain, a few good cracks of thunder, and kept winding around for a couple hours so that no sleep was had by the adults from 2-4am. Somehow the kids slept through it all. 😴

I don’t want to know what’s happening down south to generate this as a “trend”. 🤦‍♂️

Trending on Twitter: Vice President Trump, Zelensky, Tim Apple.

Dang it’s really nice to know I’ve been missed, even if it is by a random person on my YouTube channel. 💗

YouTube comment screenshot reading "It's always worth watching your channel, that's another useful tip that I wasn't aware of."

I haven’t published a YouTube video in such a long time, but I stumbled on a viewer question about Audio Hijack file recording length mismatch and made a quick tutorial.

I miss using the video recording / editing muscle on my own stuff.

Heyo I bloggo’d (that’s what we used to say back in the 2010’s. no need to look it up. i was there.) Apple Watch for Kids Campaign is Gross

Am I a bad parent because I think Roblox is the worst by almost every measure?

Oh cool. Another app being completely awful: NGL banned from hosting young teens in a groundbreaking settlement

I hate that my brain tried to tell me this beautiful sunset photo by Manuel Moreale was AI because of how good it looks.

It’s very hot out and I’m just posting to say that I’m enjoying how hot it is because usually I complain about how cold it is here. #circleofsaskatchewanlife

Weather for my location showing a high of 30C today and 34C on Thursday.

I know this is a pedantic things I just need to get over… but whenever I hear or (especially) read someone refer to their podcast or a podcast episode as “…the pod”, I feel the need to scream really loudly at the wall for 5 seconds.