This is me.

Just getting my existence validated and verified by the internet. 👋

Selfie of a man (me) looking tired and confused and old.

I’m loving working around inside Ghost CMS’ UI, but this dialogue box makes me want to throw my computer into the ocean.

No context. No support doc link. Clearly never used by someone trying to actually move content into Ghost that isn’t a power user / developer wizard.

Screenshot from Ghost CMS’ admin panel that reads “Universal Import - select any JSON or zip file that contains posts and settings”

I still don’t understand how people actually live in cities like Boston, New York, London, San Francisco, Sydney, Mexico City, etc. Those are imaginary places that exist in movies, books, and tv series - not in real life.

Why is RSS not an option for importing content from one blog CMS to another? It has every detail you need for content of blog posts and yet it’s rare for a CMS to offer that as an import option.

In podcasting, that’s the default option for how to move your podcast to another podcast host.

It’s not a good day to look at Twitter in Canada when this is trending. 😆🤦‍♂️

Screenshot of Twitter in Canada trending sidebar showing #chemtrails as trending.

One fun aspect of podcast editing as a solo business is when you find out a client has moved on because you see a new episode pop up in their feed that you didn’t work on.

The new dynamic Keynote themes look like fun. I haven’t had a need to give a presentation in 5+ years, but it makes me want to put one together again.

Nothing about the images people share of spatial personas in Apple Vision Pro makes me want to get one. I’m sure inside VR / AR it’s great and impressive.

I waited too long to get into Slow Horses on Apple TV+. Such a good series.

This is what I’ll point to when people say “Discord is killing forums!” 🤦‍♂️

A question from a forum reading “Hi,&10;I would like to include RSS feeds in a sidebar. Do you have suggestions for where to look?” with an answer reading “Any JavaScript that does this will work.”

My annual spring make work project is to shovel snow off my front yard onto the sunny patches of my driveway in a futile attempt to ward off snow mold and other grass killing things.

This is mirrored by my summer make work project of trying to grow grass on my front yard. Also futile.

Does Ghost do any sort of URL redirecting? If I’m moving a blog over that has a /year/month/post-name structure, will Ghost do any magic to redirect that to just /post-name/?

A friend was over and casually commented on how “…as middle aged people commenting on the strike and support for teachers, it’s great to have your support…” and my brain nearly exploded at the accuracy but also the reality I hadn’t fully grasped or accepted.

7 Wonders is a fun game to play multiple times in an evening so you can remember how simple it is to play, yet difficult to win.

Closer up of a game of 7 Wonders being played.

It’s 2024 outside but in a local church it’s the late 80’s with Satanic panic all over again over a dungeons and dragons game. 😱

Just enough snow fell last night to be depressingly beautiful outside—if this were November. ❄️

Somehow I got a bunch of Bluesky reply notifications via the iOS app last night. They don’t show up in the replies on the app itself. And I don’t think I changed any settings anywhere?

Just me? @help

Mike Birbiglia: The Old Man and the Pool, 2023 - ★★★★

Watched on Thursday March 28, 2024.

Hearing this reminds me it might be time for a Ted Lasso rewatch.