Benefits of catching up on work (self employed work anyway) on a Saturday: it might take longer because of distractions and lazy brain, but it somehow feels like you’re getting a cheat code on the week?

I hope to someday have the confidence (without the ignorance) of the man who stood on his $60,000 boat filling it with gas and proclaimed with his full chest that “we should all keep voting Trudeau if we want gas prices to keep going up”as if a singular person is responsible.

Sweet Threads man.

I’m iChrisV2 over there if you’re also trying to thread.

Me wearing a shirt that has the Twitter bird logo with a 2006 - 2023, and a halo over the bird.

“I’ll just quickly blog something.”

Very quickly remembers I left my blog’s build system broken when I went on vacation a week ago. D’oh!

Thing that I get irrational upset about: Nearly everyone in my extended family screenshots things when they want to share information rather than just sharing the link.

Currently reading: Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson 📚

Finished reading: Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir 📚

My Neighbor Totoro, 1988 - ★★★½

Watched on Monday August 21, 2023.

Birthdays are for drinking coffee and watch your kids yell at the lag in Rocket League.

Photo of me sitting on a couch with feet up and a tv with Rocket League being played on an Xbox.

Dune, 2021 - ★★★½

Watched on Friday August 18, 2023.

What’s your fav beside table / behind the couch plug like this? (USB-A, USB-C, easy to fit behind a bed or couch.)

Power bar extension cable with 2 USB A ports, 1 USB C, and 4 regular power plugs with a slim fitting wall adapter.

Someone on tiktok told me I needed to “grow some man nuts girly boy” because I made a video about not wanting to come across a bear or mountain lion on a hike.

Does anyone know the best way to grow man nuts? I don’t think they grow in Saskatchewan all that well tbh.

As a parent of 3 kids, I know when “kids at camp” is on the calendar that there’s a 120% chance that one of the three gets some sort of illness.

Last night: “Why are we both getting phone calls from the same number?”


Oppenheimer, 2023 - ★★★★

Watched on Tuesday August 15, 2023.

Here’s the official announcement from Squadcast on being aquired by Descript. Getting both tools for the price of Descript is pretty great, and is a pretty clear shot at a recording tool like, which I use, that’s been adding transcription AI tools recently.

Please don’t say “I’m so glad you’re moving on” to someone who’s working through something, especially trauma. Getting a new job isn’t “moving on” when you were fired by assholes in an asshole way at your old job.

It’s not about you.

I can’t read the full article, but Bloomberg has leaked that Descript is buying Squadcast. Descript is a transcription / screencast / editing app, Squadcast is for recording and live streaming podcast conversations. Interesting acquisition.

Two interesting moments in this Matt Rife clip on his TikTok: 1) His explanation of why he posts crowd work clips on social media and not his original jokes. 2) Revealing how many people are experiencing a comedy show for the first time. So many new potential fans / customers he’s bringing in.