Some of ya’ll don’t remember we already went round one with Instagram having an app called Threads? :)

Just finished season one of Silo on Apple TV+ and it’s such a great series. Worth a watch if you’re subscribed, or save it for a month when you subscribe.

I can’t believe I’m rooting for Meta / FB to succeed, but such is the way El0n has pooped all over everything that made Twitter great. You can pre-order Threads from Instagram now - coming July 6th apparently.

Ocean's Twelve, 2004 - ★★½

Watched on Sunday July 2, 2023.

Setting off fireworks at 11:50pm is a dick move.

I forgot to post about my stupid walk for my stupid mental health today because it got interrupted by meeting someone for coffee. And then a big rain storm blew threw and I had to make sure the water got to the drainage area of the yard so I could feel like I accomplished something.

The Whale, 2022 - ★★★½

Watched on Sunday May 28, 2023.

You guessed it: stupid 🥵 weather time for a stupid walk for stupid mental health. Let’s go 🚶‍♂️

Hey Mr. Tim Apple - give everyone enough iCloud storage to at least cover the iPhone they buy. You’ll still have enough billions in the bank left over. Bryan with the iCloud anthem of the summer.

I love this clip of Bill Hader talking about writing - especially how if someone gives you feedback about something that’s wrong. Listen to what they think is wrong, but don’t listen to how they tell you to fix it. You have to fix it. That’s on you.

It’s mow the stupid lawn and then go for a stupid walk for my stupid mental health time. It’s getting very tempting to get fake lawn. 😂 🚶‍♂️

Imagine how much better our world would be if more people were addicted to playing good video games, and had less time to post conspiracy theories on Facebook?

In summary: video games are awesome. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

Stupid walk for stupid mental health time. This time I’m listening to The Daily for updates on Ukraine. What podcasts are you listening to this week?

Do you have a podcast dream?

If you could just hit record, talk with whoever you’d like about whatever you’d like, and know all the editing and publishing was going to be taken care of and you could just show up and do it - what kind of podcast would you want to do?

Better late than never: time for a stupid walk for the old stupid mental health. I’d rather be having a nap. 🥱 🚶‍♂️

Fun pop punk cover of I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For by Alex Melton.

Great review in the comments: “I wouldn’t mind if this was forcibly placed into my iTunes library back in 2014.” 😂

It’s rained twice today, and Apple Weather hasn’t had a clue both times. Mostly clear right now, meanwhile I can hear the rain on the windows.

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, 2018 - ★★★★½

Watched on Saturday June 24, 2023.

Having done an afternoon of yard work, I’m definitely built for editing podcasts. 😂 😪 🥵

The Secrets of Hillsong, 2023 - ★★★½

Watched on Thursday June 22, 2023.