Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, 2022 - ★★★★½

Watched on Thursday November 17, 2022.

I have so many articles about Twitter & tech stuff in my reading queue that are all out of date already - and they’re only from last week. 😆

Colds, flus, RSV, COVID all floating around a lot. All of my kid’s class’s are missing kids constantly.

Related: People coughing without even covering their mouth and men still don’t know how to wash their hands after using a public bathroom.

If you need an audio timeline cleanse, please go to the 46:10 mark in this episode of The Goodstuff Morning Show and listen to the creative genius that is Kyle Roderick serenade you about Taco Bell.

I wasn’t prepared for the amount of notification / email overload I’d be getting from an app called Edsby as a parent. If there’s a checkbox for “monthly summary version”, I haven’t found it yet.

I’m really happy everyone else is enjoying Andor. I’ve just realized I’m 4 episodes behind somehow - I’ve been letting the rest of my family drive the TV remote I guess. Luckily it’s “not much you can do but watch tv” season for the next 6 months or so here. 🥶

When one of your client’s says your name is “Lemon Podcasting” on their fairly large podcast, it’s maybe worth it to go grab the domain name just in case someone looks it up. 😂

Screenshot of a Hover domain setting for forwarding to

Currently reading: Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro 📚

This morning I sat across from Yann Martel while we waited for our vehicles to be equipped for winter and I wanted to ask him if the next time he was at the Authors of Books Made into TV and/or Movies Club to ask Mr. RR Martin if he was going to ever finish the series?

Later this month two client’s shows I edit, ShopTalk Show and Syntax, both hit the 540 episode mark in the same week. Purely random - and not at all a competition for who has the most episodes lol - but still funny how they aligned like that.

Some number of people are tired of Twitter. Don’t take it personally if you’re not. They might all come back. Don’t gloat. Who cares if it’s Twitter, Mastodon, Microblog, or Mumfordandsuns? People are writing, connecting, and building communities online. Good for us. Blog more.

I’m not saying it’s for sure related, but it’s awfully suspicious that our garage door and our fridge were working just fine before El0n bought Twitter.

Enola Holmes 2, 2022 - ★★★★

“That was one of my favorite movies ever.” - my kid.

Apologies to anyone I’m supposed to meet with this week as I’m in a time zone vortex where we don’t do anything with our clocks ever. Which is great. Except the rest of the world does. 🙇‍♂️

Has anyone been out in the city this morning? How are the roads? #yxe

Should my garage door spring thingy (technical term) look like that? Or is that the reason our garage door is opening so slowly these days?

View of a garage door spring with it separated into two parts sort of?

Why do all the rinks in #yxe have no cell connection? What am I supposed to do - watch my kid?! 😝

I want to help people use geeky things like Mastodon if they want to learn - but now that it’s snowing for real, first I have to winterize our trailer rather than doing it a month ago when I should have. 😝 🤦‍♂️

I’m here for a song that works as well with 50,000 people singing along, or stripped down to nothing more than a cello, harp, and light percussion. Bring on the Songs of Ascent.

Up, 2009 - ★★★★½

Watched on Friday November 4, 2022.