Shameless affiliate link for the only podcast hosting platform that I genuinely enjoy using and am delighted when a client is already on it: Transistor has a pretty sweet Black Friday deal running right now if you’ve been thinking about setting up a show. AMA!

My guess is that (RED) is going to do some sort of bigger splash for the 20 year anniversary in 2026 and that’s why Apple is phasing out (RED) for right now.
Today has all the signs of being one of those “welp I did that one thing so now I should take a break” kind of day.
If you can’t great me with an uplifting, empowering message like this every day, I just can’t have you in my life.

So dogs can be like humans where they’re angsty and frustrated with something, but all they need is for you to go outside with them in -22C / -7F so they can finally poop and then they can relax?
Snow Day declared for tomorrow already. Kids are excited. My work from home brain is slightly less so. 😝
Shovelled a path through all the snow for Neville Dogbottom to go do his business. Now time for coffee and a bagel. I haven’t looked out at the front yet, but I’m praying the snowblower crowd is up and motivated today. 😝
Cheers! ☕️ #yxe

Shrinking on AppleTV+ might not be for everyone. But hearing Harrison Ford say “Hey kid….” followed by something wise or sarcastic is very therapeutic for me.
Also: Brett Goldstein.
It’s much easier to put together the backyard rink before the snow falls, but then I wouldn’t be able to complain about how cold my hands are trying to screw the boards together. 🏆
Happy “the dog ate someone’s freshly made egg breakfast sandwich off the table” to everyone who celebrates.
House goals - even if not everyone else in my house shares this goal. Maybe “area of house” goals is more accurate. 😆 (via The ShopTalk Show Discord.)
I kind of love the way Americans on social media build up to their (obviously late) Thanksgiving celebrations. It’s a fun mixture of dread, annoyance, and love for the traditions, history, and family.
A working theory: We watch Knives Out in the fall, we watch Glass Onion in the summer. Rian Johnson needs to make the rest of the standalone sequels in spring and winter to complete the ensemble.
Did Discord reset notifications for anyone else recently? Or did they add new “Adam ❤️ your post!” notifications that weren’t there before? Suddenly getting way more noise from Discord than I remember.
I did a stupid walk on the dumb treadmill this morning for the first time since before getting sick… please clap for me or I might never do it again. 😆
Speaking of not writing regularly - I’m updating my personal newsletter description now that Elon has helped ween me off Twitter. I’ve got a month to get another issue out or I’ll be breaking my promise of “at minimum once per year”. 😆
So called thought leaders on social media become thought leaders by not crediting their sources: discuss.
I kind of love seeing a blog link in someone’s profile, clicking it, and finding their most recent post from years ago saying something like: “Should I blog some more? Sorry I haven’t written much recently. Fell off it again.” I don’t feel so alone in my inability to be consistent in writing. 😊
Apple’s most popular podcasts of 2024 in the U.S. feels like a pretty good sampling of what I assumed Americans listen to, leaning towards true crime, conspiracy / politics / news, and celebrities having conversations. Any of your favs make the list?