If you use iZotope RX 10 and have been wondering why it messes with your sample rate, you might need to update to the latest version.

I have to fight the “maybe if I buy something new, I’ll feel better” urge every morning.

“Maybe a house of HomePod mini’s will cure me?” 😆

I’ve gotten the privilege to edit Marie Poulin & Ben Borowski’s podcast, Grief & Pizza.

If you’re interested in Notion, work / home systems, or creating content in general, I’d recommend subscribing wherever you get your podcasts.

A bunch of web based recording apps for podcasters are going to end up pulling a Dropbox and add a whole bunch of features nobody wants.

Podcasters want a 100% reliable, high quality recording app. That’s it. Do that and you’ll have our money forever.

I don’t think it’s healthy for me (or society in general) to know that people stop watching a video of me talking after 2 seconds. 😆

I should stick to podcasting where there’s way less analytics available to punish my ego with.

Analytics on a tiktok video posted to my account that says “Most viewers stopped watching at 0:02. Play the video below to see when they lost interest.”

I can’t tell for sure but I think I may have exported at the wrong resolution ratio?

A clip from Screenflow exported where i look really wide and squished, very obviously a vertical video exported as wide format.

I think I’d buy new Apple TV hardware if the only feature was listed as “it’s aware if you’re watching the game that’s tied in the third period so doesn’t send you a notification about the game you’re currently watching.”

I think “For All Mankind” is a great series, but I hear almost no one talking about it. I kind of assume it’s got low ratings, but a new season plus a spin-off says otherwise.

I remain undefeated in setting up ways to contact me about my podcast editing work, and then never checking in to see if anyone has contacted me.

This time it was my 🍋 biz’s Facebook page I think? 🤦‍♂️

My advice to someone in a reasonably serious relationship: buy the flowers (or whatever the equivalent is for your person) more often than not. Just do it. Don’t overthink the money, occasion, or reason.

Life is way too short not to just buy the flowers.

“Unbreakable?” my kids say with skepticism.

A light switch face plate with “unbreakable” on the packaging.

We’re not getting a dog! (If you’re my kids, keep scrolling!)

Ok now that they’re gone: if you have a dog, how did you decide on a breed or mix to get? Latest we seem to be moving towards is some sort of labradoodle / Aussiedoodle mix?

Not getting one though. Obviously.

TV audio question: I’d rather not have to deal with speakers everywhere + and expensive amp to get decent sound for movies or video games.

We tried a soundbar a few years ago and couldn’t fix audio / video sync issues. Has it gotten better? Did we just get a dud?

Civil War, 2024 - ★★★ (contains spoilers)

This review may contain spoilers.

I respect that they didn’t want to draw a direct parallel to real life sides. But then I kind of spend the whole movie looking for hints or clues anyway?

Someone clapped when the president was shot, which was a weird vibe up here in Canada.

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. 🎉 I’m talking about the first two rounds of the NHL playoffs starting this weekend, naturally.

What were you thinking I was talking about?

I grew up feeling like I’m not supposed to be “loud” about things I really enjoy. (that’s for a therapy session), so now I love when people get excited about an album, movie, book, poem, painting, tv series, etc. and share that excitement with the world in some way.