Old person question: If a bunch of what seems to be Gen-Z accounts are commenting “💀” on one of my TikToks, is that a good or bad thing? Am I being mocked or does that mean my video was so good they’re dead?

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, 2012 - ★★★

Watched on Wednesday August 30, 2023.

New (last week before I broke my blog) blog post: 📊 Upgrading Shaw Home Internet to Rogers Ignite 1.5G

Hey me back in 2009 following Adam Lisagor for the first time because of the cool Birdhouse app’s introduction video: In late 2023 you’ll finally get the chance to edit Mr. Lisagor, albeit on another client’s podcast.

Same same but different.

🏆 Achievement unlocked.

Logic Pro X screenshot of a track showing a audio waveform with the filename of "Adam Lisagor" above it.

People who work directly with clients (solo or small business owners like me?) - do you have an email newsletter specifically for your clients? Or do you just throw them into your general biz emails if you have one? Or just communicate directly with them as needed one on one?

Gran Turismo, 2023 - ★★★

Watched on Sunday August 27, 2023.

Send help: my 10yo has started into makeup. I’m not panicking about her morality or her choices or anything like that—mainly how she has aged 6 years in the last month.

(You don’t really need to send help. It’ll be fine. Unless you have some obvious “dad don’t do this” thoughts. 😆)

Benefits of catching up on work (self employed work anyway) on a Saturday: it might take longer because of distractions and lazy brain, but it somehow feels like you’re getting a cheat code on the week?

I hope to someday have the confidence (without the ignorance) of the man who stood on his $60,000 boat filling it with gas and proclaimed with his full chest that “we should all keep voting Trudeau if we want gas prices to keep going up”as if a singular person is responsible.

Sweet Threads man.

I’m iChrisV2 over there if you’re also trying to thread.

Me wearing a shirt that has the Twitter bird logo with a 2006 - 2023, and a halo over the bird.

“I’ll just quickly blog something.”

Very quickly remembers I left my blog’s build system broken when I went on vacation a week ago. D’oh!

Thing that I get irrational upset about: Nearly everyone in my extended family screenshots things when they want to share information rather than just sharing the link.

Currently reading: Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson 📚

Finished reading: Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir 📚

My Neighbor Totoro, 1988 - ★★★½

Watched on Monday August 21, 2023.

Birthdays are for drinking coffee and watch your kids yell at the lag in Rocket League.

Photo of me sitting on a couch with feet up and a tv with Rocket League being played on an Xbox.

Dune, 2021 - ★★★½

Watched on Friday August 18, 2023.

What’s your fav beside table / behind the couch plug like this? (USB-A, USB-C, easy to fit behind a bed or couch.)

Power bar extension cable with 2 USB A ports, 1 USB C, and 4 regular power plugs with a slim fitting wall adapter.

Someone on tiktok told me I needed to “grow some man nuts girly boy” because I made a video about not wanting to come across a bear or mountain lion on a hike.

Does anyone know the best way to grow man nuts? I don’t think they grow in Saskatchewan all that well tbh.