A weekend of nothing but rink food and I feel like I’m one half puck burger, and the other half is poutine.

What’s the Canadian version of Tums?

Bob Marley: One Love, 2024 - ★★★★

Watched on Saturday February 1, 2025.

Super excited to be among the first to try out the ❄️ highways tomorrow morning. 🥶

Colonsay, Saskatchewan here we come because hockey never gets shut down.

Whiplash, 2014 - ★★★½

Watched on Friday January 31, 2025.

Is $115 for a bunnyhug a lot of money or am I just stuck in 2005 pricing? I want to support local… but, dang.

pricing screenshot from a local brand’s email newsletter showing bunnyhugs (hoodies in Saskatchewan) priced at $115+tax.

Comfort Movies

“Hey asshole it’s 12:10pm and my food bowl isn’t filled with rocks. Let’s go.” - Neville’s got the sad, I’m dying because I haven’t eaten eyes locked in today.

A man wearing glasses is sitting indoors with a dog looking at him beside a cream-colored chair.

Meta Quest VR stuff is wild. It shouldn’t be too surprising that Meta tries to connect all the things… but in Horizons app afterwards, it shows basically every VR “person” I walked past as a possible connection. I didn’t talk or interact with any of them. Some are kids I’m sure.

A screenshot of the Meta Horizons iOS app showing a bunch of random accounts as possible connections.

AI is taking over podcasting with it’s giant microphone and piercing, dead eyes.

Also be sure your podcast is inclusive of people with three legs.

An AI generated image of a podcast recording session with a person on the left who has 3 legs, a giant sparkly microphone in addition to the 2 regular microphones, a person with dead eyes wearing a tshirt reading “AI research”, and a third person who looks fairly normal sitting in front of a microphone wearing headphones.


“Yes, an obsession with IQ is ‘astrology for racists’”


Kid From the Opposing Team: “The kid was smiling!” Me working the penalty box: “You tripped him and so he drew a penalty.” Kid: “I didn’t mean to.” Me: “I don’t think the refs care.” Kid: “These refs are fixed.” Me: “Yep. Div C games are that high stakes that someone paid off the ref.” 😂

I went through all the trouble of setting up a dog cam for the stream only for said dog to lay on the floor instead of the chair.

Screenshot of Ecamm Live with a “dog cam” with Neville the golden doodle puppy sitting on the chair.Screenshot of Ecamm Live with a “dog cam” with Neville the golden doodle nowhere to be seen.

I’m live now on Twitch or YouTube doing some podcast production work. Come hang out and ask any q’s you have about podcasting or winters in Canada. 🥶

I’m just over 200 likes away from getting my dream of a Brett Goldstein touring America documentary. I watch late night tv on TikTok in the morning.

Screenshot of a tiktok post on Late Nite with Seth Meyer’s account talking about Brett Goldstein (Roy Kent on Ted Lasso, etc.) experiencing America and my comment being “please tell me he’s making a documentary of his time in America” and a second comment saying “If this hits 2,000 likes, he has to do it.” - it’s currently at 1,777 likes.

I’m focusing 100% of my marketing efforts for 2025 on walking around empty Meta Horizon VR worlds asking if anyone needs a podcast editor. (This was at a Shawn Mendes concert?)

A cartoon-like character with a beard and short hair is standing in a Horizons virtual environment, wearing an orange hoodie and shorts, with the label "Lemonpodcasting" above.

Every so often I manage to sneak on to my Xbox connected to my tv and play a bit of Fortnite or NHL ‘25.

I’ve settled back on using Gwenpool, Baymax rocket boots, and the longboard glider as my skin. Feels like the best mix of form and function. 😆 🎮

A player character in Fortnite is skydiving over a colorful landscape, with map details and a marker visible on the screen.A video game character with jet boots flies through a landscape of purple trees, with a mountain in the background.

I’ll drink coffee to recover. Neville chose the floor. 🐶

A person with glasses holds a iced beverage, while a dog lies on the floor in the background.A plastic cup containing an iced coffee beverage with a label showing the order details is placed on a coaster.

Up until 1 to pick up oldest from a winter formal at school, awake until 2:30 waiting for him to get home from taking pics at an odr, then up at 6:30 when youngest decides to make French toast first thing.

I’m starting to see the appeal of kids eventually moving out on their own. 😂 😴

I slipped on the ice while taking Neville for a walk tonight. I’m sure I’ll feel some random muscle pain in 2 days.

As much as 2C in January is nice, it’s awful for the sidewalks. I was ready to sell the house and move to Mexico.

I love my American friends. But ya’ll look like clowns right now.