The “streaks” feature is everything that’s wrong with social media. It pumps up engagement numbers for marketing I’m sure, but there’s nothing meaningful going on in terms of humans connecting.

“Here’s a picture of my ceiling so we don’t break our streak!” 🤮

Manor Lords is on sale during the Steam Sale for those who celebrate. (No I still haven’t picked up a gaming PC 🥺😆)

If I wanted this much rain, I would’ve moved to Ireland or even B.C. C’mon weather—give us enough of a window to pack up the trailer and set it up this weekend so we can sit inside it and be miserable somewhere else for a change.

I dig this internal linking feature Ghost implemented where you can “@” mention any page, post, tag, or author on your blog without having to open up a new tab to find it.

My 14yo shouldn’t have to do moderator work for Meta because other kids keep using the N word and other offensive language in Meta Quest games. He does it, and rallies other players to report accounts.

What a delightful world we’ve created.

This sounds awful. Why would I pay someone to get me more meetings??

HI Chris,&10;&10;To get right to it- In respect of your time. &10;&10;Could Lemon Productions benefit from a platform that would generate 5-15 booked appointments with qualified decision-makers interested in your services every month by getting your offer in front of hundreds of your ideal clients every day with a guaranteed minimum of 5 sales calls per month or you don't pay? &10;&10;If you're open to it, would you be open if I sent over the process how?&10;&10;&10;Scarlet Rue&10;Partnerships

It’s going to be a crepe-y day.

Crepes on a stove in two frying pans.

Inside Out 2, 2024 - ★★★★

Watched on Sunday June 23, 2024.

Currently reading: Slash by Slash 📚Would you be shocked to find out it’s full of misogyny and objectifying language? I know I am.

Tornado watch issued for Saskatoon and area

Air, 2023 - ★★★½

Watched on Saturday June 22, 2024.

My brain can spin on whether something is YOLO or wasteful forever. Which feels wasteful since YOLO.

New on my blog: David Simon on AI

Alright I’m invested. I was ready to tune out hockey after my Jets bowed out in the first round. Now the Oilers better win game 7 after coming back from 3 games to none.

It’s really weird to me that Final Cut Pro for iPad with a new iPad is needed to do multicam with iPhones or iPads, when I’ve got a Mac Studio on my desk that has to be able to keep up as well, wouldn’t it?

Send help. I sat on the deck for breakfast & coffee and now I can’t get up.

Normalize breaking “streaks” that social media apps try to use to keep you coming back to their app. Snapchat, TikTok now, etc. It’s not the same as breaking a reading / exercising / therapy related streak. 😆