Congrats to Cynthia Block on becoming Saskatoon’s next mayor last night, and (I believe?) our first female mayor. 🎉 #yxe

Voted AF today (municipal version)

My AirPods Pro started crackling recently, but they’re out of warranty. I wish these customers in California much success in their lawsuit with Apple.

Finished reading: When Women Were Dragons by Kelly Barnhill 📚

wtf todays Strands is anger inducing.

We’ve reached the point in dog ownership where we know our house probably has a dog “smell”, but we don’t even notice it. Not that we’d give up Neville Dogbottom anyway.

Yesterday was Neville Dogbottom’s first experience peeing in the snow. 😆 He liked the snow and wanted to stop and taste it everywhere in the yard. I suspect he’ll enjoy it less when it’s 2 feet deep and -35C. 🥶

A fluffy dog on a pink leash sniffs the snow-dusted grass near a wooden fence.A small, fluffy dog is standing on a lightly snow-dusted lawn, looking towards the camera.

It’s a shame there isn’t a poppy emoji yet?

Have the Winnipeg Jets clinched a playoff spot yet? Must be soon.

Stuck in a small town rink for the day but took a quick walk down by the tracks.

Path outside in the prairies. No snow yet.

I know Apple has their reasons for making things thin, but would anyone have complained if the new Mac mini was an inch thicker but you could also (somewhat more) easily change out the hard drive in a year?

I ended up using Tweetback to display my Twitter archive. Still sorting out if I put it on my website or not.

I’m nerd / dev adjacent (I edit and listen to a lot of smart devs talk about web dev stuff so I recognize words) and I was able to do it, so you could do. Feel free to AMA.

I stopped Neville Dogbottom just as he was about to drop a massive load in our living room this morning, so I feel like I can probably just consider my work done for the day. What more could I possibly achieve that would top that?

Anyone have a cool app / self hosted way of archiving my Twitter data export? I don’t care that much, but it would be nice just to throw it somewhere since… the web?

Hey. Drink some water. It’s actually kind of refreshing. You can go back to your coffee / alcohol laced smoothie / beer / etc. anytime. Just grab a large glass of water and chug it for me, ok?

So the Trudeau government bans TikTok from operating in Canada citing security concerns. Naturally political commentators on Tiktok report it as “because Trudeau can’t handle the truth!?” 😆 As if TikTok is the only place ppl complain about governments.

Thursday’s wtf vibe

On the right half is a screenshot from Childish Gambino in his This is America music video, with text of “This is America” on the left side.

Oh wait - it’s going to take all month to work. 😆

TweetDeleter screenshot showing an estimated completion of Friday, Nov 29th 2024 for all my tweets to be deleted.

Downloaded an archive of my almost 30,000 tweets and am auto-deleting them using We’ll see how well it works. Then I’ll private my account and be done until such time as a new owner takes over or it disappears completely.

In 2016, Americans could maybe get a pass because they didn’t really know what he’d be like. But in 2024, 71,000,000+ said “Yep more of that please!” to him.

It’s like watching your friend get back together with an awful partner. Except the partner also controls nukes.