
My podcast completion rate from Pocket Casts was 69% in 2024

Shoutout to the Rosewood (? I can’t keep up with neighbourhood names) Leopold’s for the sweet Super Mario Xmas wrapping paper walls. I don’t know how long that took to do, but it was a nice change from typical bar vibes.

Hey you know what would be fun after a day in a cold rink? Why not go to another game in a slightly less cold rink this afternoon? 🥶

(I complain but I do enjoy it.)

Coolest green Zamboni ever?

A tractor with a Zamboni ice cleaning attachment on the back clearing the ice in a rink.

Welcome to Hanley, Saskatchewan where it’s just above freezing while running the score clock. 🥶

A thermometer is displayed prominently in a hockey rink, showing the temperature at 1C as players skate in the background.

Wicked, 2024 - ★★★★

Watched on Friday November 29, 2024.

“This movie is Wicked.” - me at Wicked.

With the amount of random, weird, or interesting recipes on TikTok, Pestle’s(iOS recipe app) ability to grab instructions from a video is kind of an interesting feature to consider.

Screenshot of Pestle for iOS’ update screen including the text that it can scan a TikTok video link for recipe instructions.

When life hands you a broken mug, turn that frown upside down and use it for views. 😆

Screenshot showing my tiktok page with views for 3 mug videos with 1,500, 300, and 125 views respectively.

Revisiting “Planning my X-it” by Scalzi today.

it seems sort of silly to grieve a brand identity, but it’s not about the bird, it about the fact that Twitter was a place, with people, and now that place is gone. Musk took a city with thriving neighborhoods and decided to run a fucking interstate through the most interesting parts of it, and the interstate doesn’t actually go anywhere good; it just runs from Bitcoin Town to Fascistburg.

I keep wondering why the internet is so much quieter today. And then I remember Americans are in their belated turkey (or non-meat alternative) comas, watching football, while arguing with family members about the election results.

They should be coming online soon-ish to escape.

My son brought home some eggnog today, so I guess I can slide “exercise and loose some weight” into 2025’s to do list.

Just posted a heartbreaking (😜) video to my TikTok account for anyone who’s followed along with the corn mug saga. If you’re not on TT, the TLDW version is that my fav mug fell out of the cupboard to it’s death this morning.

Please give me time and space to process. (sips from a new mug)

“Let’s get to eyeglasses’ level of stigma around mental health.” : Kudos to Brad Frost for sharing his journey to an ADHD diagnosis.

I would love it if iCloud shortcuts saved on the Finder sidebar would actually save and not disappear randomly. If only Apple owned the experience from end to end, then they could… oh wait. They do. 😜

Screenshot showing the Finder sidebar with iCloud Drive, Shared, Credit Card Statements listed.

Shameless affiliate link for the only podcast hosting platform that I genuinely enjoy using and am delighted when a client is already on it: Transistor has a pretty sweet Black Friday deal running right now if you’ve been thinking about setting up a show. AMA!

Screenshot of’s episode editing page.

My guess is that (RED) is going to do some sort of bigger splash for the 20 year anniversary in 2026 and that’s why Apple is phasing out (RED) for right now.

Today has all the signs of being one of those “welp I did that one thing so now I should take a break” kind of day.

If you can’t great me with an uplifting, empowering message like this every day, I just can’t have you in my life.

Screenshot of an Instagram spam bot reading “Good morning! I wish you a more expensive than a giant panda, a reputation throughout Greater China, a career climbing the Hongta Mountain, a lover over Ashima, leading Marlboro all the way, and everything going well.”

So dogs can be like humans where they’re angsty and frustrated with something, but all they need is for you to go outside with them in -22C / -7F so they can finally poop and then they can relax?